How to play?
It's obviously up to you exactly which rules you want to use,
but something like this usually provides a fun and challenging quiz:
- Divide the participants in teams. It's usually a good idea to keep it to maximum 4 teams to decrease "downtime".
- Create a timeline on a whiteboard, or a wall and post-its, or whatever suits you.
- The quizmaster generates a song list using either the Default list or a Custom list.
- Using a randomizer, e.g WheelOfNames, pick a song from the generated list in step 3 and put a marker on the timeline to have a baseline.
- Get another random number and play the corresponding song from the song list.
- Team 1 should now place a marker on the timeline relative to the other markers already there for when they think the song was released. A correct guess gives 3 points.
- Example: The song being played was released 1991. There are already markers on the timeline for 1982, 1997, and 2008.
If the team places the new marker anytime after 1982 and before 1997 they get 3 points, otherwise 0 points (and the quizmaster places the marker on the correct year in the timeline).
- The team also gets 1 point for each correct guess of Artist and Title.
- After this the next team generates a new song number and repeats the steps, etc etc...
Song lists
Regardless if you're using the default list or a custom list, when pressing the "Load list" button it will generate a list of random songs from the csv file with the condition that only one song per year can be in the output.
Default list
The default list contains songs of mixed genres from 1950-2022.
You can see the full list
Custom list
To load a custom list you have to provide the URL to a .csv file.
This can for example be done through Google Sheets:
- Create a sheet with three columns called: Title, Artist, Year
- Publish the sheet as a CSV to the web
File -> Share -> Publish to the web
- In the popup select "Entire document" and "Comma-separated values"
- Press publish and copy the link.
- Paste the URL in the "Enter Custom List URL" field and press "Load Custom List"